What do you want to see in your home town?

Back in Boston, I would often encourage the locals to 'keep their $ in the hood', i.e. support your local businesses because that is the way to bring more of what you want to your neighborhood.  We could sit and complain about the lack of a coffee shop, a bakery, a cinema, an indoor activity center for our kids, etc etc or we could put our voices, and heads, together to see what can be achieved with what we already have. 


 If you want to see more of what you like for entertainment, then put your bottom on a seat at the Plaza and make your voices heard.  Yes, there is a history to the Plaza - but do you want to use it to make change or use it as an excuse not to support your town. 


Next week’s offering from the Plaza is an evening with the Iconic Ladies of Jazz and Soul performed by Myrna Clayton with classics from Aretha, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Gladys Knight and more.  If you haven't attended a show at the Plaza before, then this is one not to miss. TODAY ONLY - there is a 30% discount on tickets if you purchase on-line using #Monday.  I would love to see a full house on this evening - not only to support Ms. Clayton, but to raise the roof in acknowledging these iconic ladies, black women, who blazed a trail in the music industry and made sure their voices were not ignored. 

Karen Henry-Garrett